As a devoted pet owner, ensuring your dog's safety and freedom is a top priority. Electric fencing has emerged as a...
Dealing with Common Misconceptions About Electric Fences
When it comes to keeping our pets safe, a well-designed electric fence can be one of the most effective solutions....
The Benefits of an Electric Pet Fence: Ensuring Freedom and Safety for Your Dog
As a pet owner, ensuring the safety and well-being of your furry friend is a top priority. One innovative solution...
Dog Fence Collars – Rechargeable or Battery?
If you are in the market for an electric dog fence (often referred to as an invisible, electronic, or underground...
Electric Dog Fence Training?
Curious about how to train your dog on an electronic or invisible type of fence? In the following article, I will go...
The Big Day is Coming for Your Invisible Fence – Are You Ready?
Now that you have made the big decision to keep your dog safe and give him freedom by installing an underground dog...
Benefits of an Invisible Fence versus a Physical Fence
The days of letting your dog roam free are long gone. All responsible dog owners need a reliable way to keep their...
Wire, Wireless, GPS – Comparison of Dog Fence Technology
If you are looking for an invisible solution to keep your dog from running into the street, you have a few choices of...
How to Properly Fit your Dog Fence Collar
The single biggest reason, by far, that dogs escape from their underground fence is that the collar is not properly...
Dog Food Advice – From Derby’s Pet Fence
In addition to giving dogs freedom and safety with Derby’s Pet Fence, Steve Baralt (Derby’s “Top Dog”) is a dog...
How to Maintain Your Electric Dog Fence
Now that you have made the investment in the freedom and safety for your dog – and you are enjoying the peace of mind...
Top 5 Reasons Your Underground Fence Isn’t Working
Underground pet fences are a great way to safely let your pets roam and play in your own yard. If your underground...