Dealing with Common Misconceptions About Electric Fences

Dealing with Common Misconceptions About Electric Fences

When it comes to keeping our pets safe, a well-designed electric fence can be one of the most effective solutions. However, there are numerous myths and misconceptions surrounding the use of electric fences, particularly underground systems, that can create confusion...
Dog Fence Collars – Rechargeable or Battery?

Dog Fence Collars – Rechargeable or Battery?

If you are in the market for an electric dog fence (often referred to as an invisible, electronic, or underground fence), then you probably have noticed there are some companies that require you to buy a periodic replacement battery and others that have a collar that...
Electric Dog Fence Training?

Electric Dog Fence Training?

Curious about how to train your dog on an electronic or invisible type of fence?  In the following article, I will go over the basic concept of how the training takes place and highlight the important elements for a successful experience for you and your dog. Is...
Benefits of an Invisible Fence versus a Physical Fence

Benefits of an Invisible Fence versus a Physical Fence

The days of letting your dog roam free are long gone.  All responsible dog owners need a reliable way to keep their dogs safe and to keep them from bothering the neighbors.  The choices are to install a traditional physical fence (regardless of construction material...